Billi Media

25th Sep 2019

12 Water-Rich Foods You Should Snack On

According to a recent study by Robinson’s 52% of Brits think drinking water is boring. With this in mind, we thought it was time to reveal the best water-rich foods you should snack on to help you reach your water goals. 

Proper hydration is essential for your health and to remain productive at work. Not drinking enough water can lead to dehydration, which can then cause you to feel tired or unwell. 

Snacking on water-rich foods can help increase your daily water intake, and enable you to consume water in a more interesting way. 

Plus, as many water-rich foods are also one of your five-a-day, you can create a healthier diet. 

Swap those mid-afternoon biscuits for one of these foods, and you’ll feel more energised and fuller for longer. 

1) Cucumber

Cucumbers have the highest water content of any food. As a water-rich food cucumbers are made up of 96% water. 

While they may seem all water and no substance, cucumbers also contain vitamins B1, B2, B3, B5 and B6. As well as vitamin C, calcium and iron, magnesium, phosphorus, potassium and zinc. 

Rather than take your morning multi-vitamin try adding more cucumbers into your diet. From adding a few slices into your sandwich or dipping them in a little hummus for an afternoon snack.

2) Tomatoes

Coming just below cucumbers in water-rich food top list, tomatoes are made up of 95% water. 

Tomatoes are also high in Vitamin A, a vital nutrient for keeping your skin, eyes and immune system in tip-top condition. 

Whether you enjoy eating them raw or cooked in your spaghetti bolognese, adding more tomatoes into your diet is only going to make you feel great.

3) Spinach

Spinach may come as a surprise to be listed in the top water-rich foods, especially as we’re used to hearing more about its iron content. But spinach is made up of 93% water.

With such a high water content spinach is great for hydration. By adding spinach into your diet, you not only help to increase your water consumption but boost your iron.  

Spinach is an incredible source of iron, as most of us know thanks to classic cartoon character Popeye. 

Iron is a vital nutrient in helping transport oxygen around your body, making you feel energised and strong. 

Spinach is a great alternative to use in a salad, or you can add a handful into your favourite sandwich. 

In many supermarkets, you can also buy frozen spinach which is ideal for adding into fruit smoothies or soups. 

4) Mushrooms

Mushrooms are fantastic seasonal food that can help us remain hydrated. 

Sprouting up in September and November in the UK, mushrooms are made up of 92% water. 

During the autumn-winter season, they are ideal for adding into casseroles and stews. 

Mushrooms also contain Vitamin B2, which is an essential nutrient for your skin and nervous system. Vitamin B2 helps to reduce tiredness and release energy from the food you eat. 

5) Melon

Melons are one of the most hydrating foods you can eat with 91% water. 

As a water-rich food melons are great as they come in such a range of varieties. From Watermelon, Cantaloupe to Honeydew. 

No matter which tastes you enjoy the most, dicing some up to enjoy mid-morning or mid-afternoon can give you a water boost. 

Melons are also high in Vitamin C, Vitamin A and magnesium.

6) Broccoli

As such a sturdy vegetable, it’s hard to imagine broccoli is high in water, but the green veg contains 90% water. 

Broccoli is also in season from October through to April, which means you can get fresh florets most of the year. 

Broccoli also contains vital nutrients such as vitamin K, vitamin A, iron, calcium and folic acid. 

 Try adding broccoli into a warming soup for your lunch, or add a side of it to your evening meal.

7) Oranges

As well as helping to cure your sweet tooth, Oranges are a tasty way to get your water fix. 

Oranges contain 86% water, along with a high dose of vitamin C. 

Vitamin C plays an essential role in looking after your muscles, bones, tendons, arteries and skin. It’s also a key nutrient in supporting your immune system. 

So while they’re not at the top of the list when it comes to water-rich foods, you can still rely on them to give you what you need. 

Have a large glass of freshly squeezed Orange juice in the morning, or add a few slices to your lunchtime salad. 

8) Apples

As the old saying goes, an apple a day helps keep the doctor away. 

Made up of 85% water, apples come in such a variety that you’ll easily find a piece that you’re happy to snack on. Whether it’s a Granny Smith, Jazz or Royal Gala, the list continues. 

While the season for apples is relatively short here in the UK, most apples are grown all over the world so we can continue to get our apple fix. 

Apples are high in fibre and contain vitamin C. To get the most from your apple eat it raw. To make it even tastier dip it into some crunchy nut butter.

9) Blueberries

Over the years blueberries have been named a superfood, but this tag is merely good marketing, as many water-rich foods are great for us. 

When it comes to blueberries, they contain 84% of water. They are also high in fibre and a good source of antioxidants. This means they help to protect your cells from damage. 

Growing in the UK from June to September, these sweet berries are perfect for snacking on in the office, especially if you have a sweet tooth. 

10) Strawberries

Sweet and high in water could make strawberries one of our favourite water-rich foods. 

Strawberries contain 91% water, making them a hydrating food which also tastes great. 

Furthermore, strawberries also provide your body with a good dose of fibre, vitamin C and magnesium. 

Eating strawberries on a regular basis has shown to reduce inflammation, making them a fantastic fruit for preventing illness. 

Add a handful of chopped strawberries to your morning breakfast, or eat the whole for a sweet snack in the office.

11) Peaches

With 90% of water peaches are not only a hydrating fruit but also nutrient-rich. 

Peaches provide a number of essential vitamins and minerals, such as vitamin A, vitamin C, B vitamins and potassium. 

Due to their high fibre content peaches are also filling, making them an ideal snack when the hunger monster appears. 

As well as adding peaches into yoghurts or smoothies, they are also great when baked.

12) Celery

Celery is yet another water-rich food high in water content, with 95% water. 

In fact, celery is made mostly of water, providing close to 118ml of water per 1-cup serving. This also means it is extremely low in calories. 

Celery also contains essential vitamins such as vitamin K and potassium. 

As a very crunchy piece of veg, it’s also easy to add to your diet and an ideal snack. 

From including in hearty winter stews to dipping into your favourite savoury dips. 

Each of these water-rich foods can help you to increase your daily water intake. With better hydration, you’ll feel more productive and energetic at work.