Billi Media

Eco News & Information

11th Apr 2023

Why Choose Billi For Eco-Friendly Water Filter Systems

Eco-friendly water filters give you fresh, great tasting high quality water whilst minimising impact on the planet. Below is information on our unique innovative technology that makes our water filters some of the most environmentally friendly water filters on the market. Established in 1989, Billi’s reputation for design and manufacturing innovation is world-renowned. We have […] Read more

5th Jun 2019

World Environment Day: How your office can make a difference

It’s World Environment Day Here’s how offices can increase sustainability and reduce waste… Since the first World Environment Day in 1974, June 5th has been dedicated to spreading awareness and inspiring action to help protect the environment. It is an opportunity for individuals, groups and businesses worldwide to increase awareness and take action to protect […] Read more

13th May 2019

Do You Know What You’re Drinking: What Else is in Your Bottled Water?

What’s Actually in Your Bottled Water? You might think that buying bottled water ensures safe, clean water, but is that true? As well as water, bottled water can contain harmful contaminants, toxins and pollutants.  Bottled water is often marketed as pure spring water, bottled directly at the source. However, the truth is that lots of […] Read more

25th Apr 2019

Plastic Pollution in the Oceans – What is being done?

What is Being Done to Combat Plastic Pollution in the Ocean? Did you know, about 12.7 million tonnes of plastic enter the ocean every year? That’s a massive amount – in fact, it’s a truckload every single minute. As well as individuals taking responsibility for plastic pollution, and making small changes ourselves, we rely on […] Read more

23rd Apr 2019

Green Building Objectives: How Can Billi Help?

How Billi Can Help Meet Green Building Objectives Buildings may not be the most obvious contributor to climate change – we’re more likely to think of cars or aeroplanes when considering human developments that adversely affect the environment. However, buildings are responsible for an estimated 40% of our total carbon footprint in the UK. With […] Read more

10th Apr 2019

England’s Water Shortage Will Hit By 2040

England’s water shortage: How to reduce your water usage England is in the midst of what could be described as a clean water crisis. Over the coming decades, the UK is set to become hotter and more crowded. The current population of 66 million is expected to grow to 75 million by 2050, while higher […] Read more

20th Mar 2019

Bioplastic: What Is It & Should We Care

Are Bioplastics the Solution to the Plastic Waste Crisis The plastic crisis is seemingly showing no sign of slowing; regardless of initiatives to help. In western countries, the awareness surrounding the plastic problem is certainly improving, however, in the east, in countries such as China, plastic waste is still incredibly problematic. The People’s Responsibility It’s […] Read more

19th Mar 2019

Ensure Peak Productivity in Your Meeting Rooms

How to Guarantee Peak Productivity in Meetings What makes the perfect meeting? Energy, effective collaboration and efficient decision making will all play a part. But what takes a meeting from average to outstanding? Wellbeing in the Workplace As research into productivity proliferates, so too does the idea that the working environment has a significant impact […] Read more

29th Jan 2019

Plastic Free Tuesday: A Growing Movement

Can You Go Plastic Free One Day a Week? Plastic is everywhere. Take a look at the lunches you buy, day in, day out. Your sandwich will be wrapped in plastic, your coffee cup will contain plastic, and to round it up, all your items will be packaged in a plastic bag. It’s hard to […] Read more

13th Dec 2018

A Plastic-Free Christmas in the Workplace

Make Your Office Plastic-Free This Christmas Cutting down on plastic is hard. Especially when everything seems to be wrapped in the stuff. With the festive period underway, and Christmas fast approaching, plastic at this time of year is hard to avoid. From single-use plastic cutlery during lunch breaks, to plastic straws or packaging with takeaway […] Read more

22nd Nov 2018

Are Reusable Water Bottles the Next Fashion Statement?

Are Reusable Water Bottles Becoming a Fashion Statement? As plastic is shunned by the public, will reusable water bottles become the next fashion statement? Apparently so, according to the £5.5 billion reusable bottle industry. One that has popped up as a result of the hype surrounding reusable designer water bottles. From silicone styles, to glass […] Read more

5th Nov 2018

Can drinking from Single Use Plastic Bottles harm us?

The dangers of Single Use Plastic Bottles We’ve all been there, rushing out the door to work, school or college and grabbing the nearest plastic bottle that lies sitting on the kitchen counter. It’s so easy to just use the same plastic bottle over and over again and think that we’re decreasing our carbon footprint. […] Read more

29th Oct 2018

Biophilic Workspaces. What Are They & How Do They Affect Productivity?

First of all, what does Biophilic exactly mean? ‘Biophilia’, in simple terms, is the love of life and natural things. It is why we enjoy spending time at the beach or in the countryside. It is why a garden view can help us work. There is a hypothesis (the BET) that suggests all humans have […] Read more

2nd Oct 2018

Help Decrease Plastic Pollution with National Refill Day

Decrease Plastic Pollution with National Refill Day! The days of disregarding plastic as pollution are over. The public and multimillion pound corporations have finally come to realise the detrimental effect it has on our planet. We’ve all become aware of these effects by seeing striking footage of animals being caught in plastic beer can rings, […] Read more

24th Sep 2018

9p a Day. This is All Your Billi Tap Will Cost You.

The Billi Advantage One of the primary reasons why companies choose Billi is our pledge to help the environment. Unlike other traditional water systems such as kettles or coolers, Billi systems use far less energy. Less energy means less Co2. Our commercial range of taps provides chilled, boiling, sparkling and ambient water at the touch of […] Read more

30th Aug 2018

The Latte Levy is One Step Closer to Happening

Watch Out Coffee Drinkers, The Latte Levy is Coming If you’re one of those people who can’t go a day without stopping at a high street coffee shop, you might start feeling even more of an effect on your pocket. The ‘latte levy’ as it has been deemed in the houses of parliament, is one […] Read more

13th Aug 2018

Why Are Plastic Straws Such a Problem?

Forgive the Pun, But Here’s Why Plastic Straws Suck It’s time for us to cut single-use plastic out of our lives. For too long, the ocean has been a dumping ground for plastic waste, and it has to stop. One of the single-use plastics that needs be the first to go is straws. For those […] Read more

9th Aug 2018

Is Canned Water the Way Forward?

Tesco Now Stocks Canned Water The plastic waste battle has and will continue to be a long one. Our oceans are currently suffering from the blight of plastic waste, and unless changes are made, this will simply continue. The fragile ocean eco-systems will continue to be threatened as a result of human plastic waste. However, […] Read more

18th Jul 2018

Kettles in the Workplace – Why Do You Still Have Them?

The Kettle in the Workplace Debate Do kettles still have a home in the workplace? Originally intended to solve the issue of provisionally boiling water on a small scale basis, we’re asking whether the kettle is fit for purpose in your business.  The convenience of the kettle in the home has meant that many have […] Read more

4th Jul 2018

Is Going Plastic-Free More Expensive for the Individual?

What Will Going Plastic-Free Cost You? Knowing and understanding the damage plastic waste has on the environment, many of us are trying to cut down and go plastic-free. But, with plastic at every turn, it’s getting increasingly hard to cut it out. Some people are even finding that going plastic-free is costing them more money. […] Read more