Billi Media

Educational Information

19th Apr 2024

What Water Temperature Kills Legionella?

Legionnaires’ disease is a very real risk in water systems for commercial buildings. While tap water is usually safe in the UK, employers and anyone else in charge of a building have a duty to mitigate risks from waterborne pathogens and bacteria in their buildings (Health and Safety Executive). Billi UK combines innovation, safety, and […] Read more

19th Apr 2024

Geyser Water Heaters vs. Instant Boiling Taps

The most recent government estimate is that 18% of heat demand in homes is from hot water, making water heaters and boilers a crucial factor in household and organisational energy expenditure. When choosing the perfect water heating solution for your home or office, many think the choice comes down to what energy source you want […] Read more

26th Feb 2024

Winter Energy-Saving Tips for Office Buildings

As the cold season approaches, office buildings across the UK are bracing for the chill—and the accompanying spike in energy costs. With the energy-saving tips for offices we’re about to share, businesses can significantly cut down their energy consumption, contributing to a greener planet and a healthier bottom line. With our commitment to energy efficiency […] Read more

19th Feb 2024

Are Hot Water Dispensers Better Than Kettles for Offices

The convenience of instant access to boiling water for teas, coffees, and other hot beverages might seem trivial in an office but is an easy way to reduce time wastage and increase employee morale. With Billi UK’s innovative solutions, offices can now enjoy the luxury of instant boiling water without the wait or energy inefficiency […] Read more

15th Feb 2024

Should Your Office Have a Hot Drink Vending Machine

In today’s fast-paced office environment, tea and coffee are undoubtedly the drinks fueling our workforce and the need for convenient and efficient solutions for hot drinks is more prominent than ever. While hot drink vending machines have traditionally been seen as the most efficient tool for this purpose, more and more offices are turning to […] Read more

12th Feb 2024

Why Billi Taps are the Best Hot Water Dispensers for Tea

When it comes to making the perfect cup of tea, people usually look for the best tea bags or different milk alternatives, but one often overlooked component is actually the most abundant ingredient of your cuppa — the water. The best hot water dispensers for tea add something special beyond ordinary kettles, in this article […] Read more

9th Feb 2024

Does Your Work Need a Mains-Fed Water Dispenser

When looking at efficient, sustainable, and convenient water solutions for offices, mains-fed water dispensers are usually brought up over their bottled counterparts for offering a continuous supply of filtered water directly from your water mains. This integration can have environmental and space-saving benefits but knowing what a mains-fed water cooler actually is can be a […] Read more

8th Feb 2024

Best Hot Drinks That Aren’t Coffee or Tea

When talking about the best hot drinks, coffee and tea undeniably top the list. But staving off the cold with mugs of comforting, warm beverages stretches far beyond these familiar favourites. With Billi’s cutting-edge instant boiling water systems, making all kinds of delicious hot drinks becomes not only even easier but also tastier with clean, […] Read more

9th Dec 2023

Water Filtration Systems for Restaurants and Commercial Kitchens

The quality of every component, including water, plays a pivotal role in customer satisfaction. In commercial kitchens, a robust water filtration system for restaurant use is not just a need but a fundamental aspect of culinary excellence. At Billi UK, we take pride in offering premium water filter commercial kitchen solutions, enhancing both the taste […] Read more

3rd Dec 2023

Best Sparkling Soda Water for Cocktails

Elevating the cocktail experience to a whole new level, sparkling water cocktails and soda water cocktails have become very popular in mixology circles. This surge in popularity is not just a trend but a testament to the versatility and appeal of these effervescent mixers. At Billi UK, we’re at the forefront of this effervescent revolution, […] Read more

1st Dec 2023

Selecting the Best Water Filtration System for Offices

Ensuring access to clean, safe drinking water in the office is not just a matter of convenience but a fundamental necessity. With various options available, choosing the right water filtration system for office settings can be a challenging task. We aim to provide a comprehensive guide to help you select the best office water filtration […] Read more

25th Nov 2023

Instant Hot Water Dispensers

Imagine the luxury of having steaming hot water ready at the flick of a switch. This isn’t just a dream but a reality with modern instant hot water machines. These advanced systems have transformed how we access hot water in our kitchens by offering unrivalled convenience, efficiency, and safety. Billi UK is at the forefront […] Read more

25th Nov 2023

Guide for Sparkling Water Systems

Welcome to the ultimate guide for sparkling water enthusiasts! In the realm of kitchen sophistication and healthful living, the trend of installing a sparkling water tap is gaining popularity. At Billi UK, we pride ourselves on our unrivalled mastery in providing the best sparkling water systems in the UK, combining luxurious convenience with environmental responsibility. […] Read more

23rd Nov 2023

Best Countertop Water Cooler System for Your Workplace

In the bustling world of office life, the humble water cooler has become more than just a place to quench one’s thirst. It’s the nucleus of workplace chatter, a spot for impromptu brainstorming sessions, and a crucial device ensuring hydration. But not all water coolers are made equal. At Billi, we’ve dedicated decades to refining […] Read more

17th Nov 2023

Benefits of Filtered Water Over Tap Water

In the UK, regulations ensure the delivery of safe tap water to households (The Water Supply (Water Quality) Regulations 2016). Because of this, many debate the benefits of filtered water over standard tap water. With wide access to generally safe water, you might wonder, “Is filtering water good for you?” or “Should I filter my […] Read more

15th Nov 2023

Why Billi Sparkling Water Systems are the Best

The modern workspace is more than just desks and computers. It represents a commitment to innovation, sustainability, and the well-being of its occupants. With Billi’s sterling reputation in providing premium water systems for over 30 years, we’re here to redefine what hydration in the workplace means. This article will show how our sparkling water systems […] Read more

11th Nov 2023

Best SodaStream Alternative for Your Office

What defines a modern workplace? Cutting-edge technology, sustainability, and amenities that prioritise employee well-being. Billi UK ticks all these boxes, being a pioneer in instant filtered, boiling, chilled, and now sparkling water systems for over three decades. We’ve set new industry benchmarks in quality, innovation, and sustainability. Standalone carbonation machines can be bulky, expensive, lower […] Read more

9th Nov 2023

Why Billi Filters Are The Best

When it comes to commercial spaces, every inch counts. Billi Filters offer an unrivalled blend of minimalism and efficiency. Nestled under the counter, these filtration systems save valuable space without compromising on performance, making them the best under-sink water filter systems UK businesses can opt for. Time and Space Saving Convenience With Billi’s instant boiling […] Read more

2nd Nov 2023

Guide to Under-Sink Water Filter Installation

Access to clean and tasty drinking water is an absolute necessity in any workspace. Beyond being essential to living, safely hydrating is a great way to get more energy and enjoyment out of your workday, but traditional water filters can be cumbersome and complicated, which is why we’ve prepared this guide to answer your FAQs […] Read more

25th Jul 2023

What Water Filtration Technology is Best For You?

Water is, without a shadow of a doubt, the most vital resource we humans rely on every single day. Whether you’re living in London’s bustling CBD or the idyllic countryside of the Lake District, clean and safe drinking water is fundamental to your health and well-being. But with a range of water filtration technologies available, […] Read more