Billi Media

5th Nov 2023

Can Water Filters Remove Lead?

It can be easy to take clean water for granted in developed nations, and whilst lead is not found in water when it leaves treatment works, contact with old pipes, non-approved solder in joints, or contaminated tanks can still occur. It’s a chilling thought, and that’s why understanding how to ensure your water is lead-free is as critical as ever.

For over thirty years, Billi has specialised in water filtration solutions, becoming a trusted name in delivering water filters that remove lead in the UK. Our advanced technology, backed by comprehensive research, ensures that every drop you consume is of the highest standard. So why does the quality of water matter so much in a work environment, and what hidden dangers lurk in unfiltered water?

The Effects of Lead in Water

Are lead pipes dangerous? Absolutely. Especially if you’re in an older building, lead is a concern that shouldn’t be underestimated. Until the mid-1980s, lead pipes and solder were common in construction, putting both older and some newer buildings at risk. Over time, even minute levels of lead exposure can lead to severe health issues, from cognitive decline to a host of other medical conditions.

What Filtration Works for Lead?

So do water filters remove lead? Conventional carbon filters come with limitations, their resin-bonded granules reducing the quality of filtration whereas Billi UK’s 0.2 Micron filter adopts BWT’s Fibron XC® technology, it’s designed to remove particles 250 times smaller than a human hair and optimised to eliminate lead and other heavy metals.

Removing contaminants is one part of the equation; the other is improving the taste of your water. Our filters do both. Get rid of lead, sediment, and chlorine, and what you’re left with is water that tastes like it should—clean and refreshing.

Frequently Asked Filter Questions

Why is lead a concern for UK water sources?

Lead is recognised as a potential health hazard. Consuming even trace amounts over a period can impact health, particularly in young children. In the UK, homes constructed before the 1970s might still possess lead-based plumbing, raising the risk of lead seeping into the water.

How do I determine if my house has lead-based plumbing?

Lead pipes typically appear as a matte grey. If you lightly scratch them, they’ll show a bright metallic finish. If you’re uncertain about the material, seeking advice from a professional plumber or your water provider is recommended.

What’s the accepted lead concentration in UK drinking water?

The UK standards dictate a threshold of 10 micrograms of lead per litre in drinking water. If your water surpasses this concentration, corrective measures should be taken.

What steps can I take to minimise lead in my tap water?

Whilst it’s unlikely any modern UK offices or homes have lead fittings, Investing in water filtration systems that target lead removal is a safe and proactive approach. Filters such as Billi’s also remove other harmful contaminants and improve the taste of water so regardless of lead content, they’re a good idea for your workplace.

Are some UK regions more susceptible to lead issues in water?

Regions with a higher concentration of older homes might face increased risk due to the potential existence of lead-based plumbing systems.

Next Steps For Lead-free Water

An efficient filtration system reduces maintenance expenses and health-related costs, and a hydrated workforce is a happy, productive workforce, providing a return on investment that’s hard to ignore.

Quality water is non-negotiable. Reach out to discover how Billi UK can tailor a water filtration solution that aligns with your needs. Elevate your water quality and invest in your team’s health today.