Billi Media

Health News & Information

1st Nov 2018

Loose Leaf Tea – What are the Benefits of drinking it?

Why choose loose leaf tea over traditional tea bags? Other than water, the most consumed drink around the world is tea. Hot or iced, tea can be had at any time and at any place. Whether you enjoy a fancy earl grey at afternoon tea or a traditional builders cuppa, tea can be enjoyed everywhere. […] Read more

17th Oct 2018

Can Drinking Green Tea Benefit my Health?

Can Green tea help my health? Green Tea; we’ve seen it everywhere. Raved about by social media influencers, nutritionists and dietitians, it’s no wonder it’s one of the latest health crazes. Green tea is made from Camellia sinensis leaves – an organic and healthier alternative to black tea. The healthy beverage can help improve brain function […] Read more

29th Aug 2018

Why Drinking From a Glass Bottle is Better

Why You Need to Stop Drinking From Plastic Bottles We admit, drinking from plastic bottles is convenient. You can grab one on the go from pretty much anywhere. Carrying your own glass bottle is a little less convenient. You have to stop and fill them up, and it’s sometimes awkward asking for water when you […] Read more

28th Aug 2018

How Do You Drink Your Tea Every Day?

How Do You Like Your Tea in the Morning? The drinking of tea is a truly British tradition, we love it so much that we drink around 60 billion cups of it a year, according to the Tea and Infusions Organisation. It is obvious that tea is our way of life, from the morning brew […] Read more

17th Aug 2018

How to Celebrate Afternoon Tea Week

Afternoon Tea Week Celebrations ‘Afternoon tea week’ is a celebration of one of Britain’s timeless traditions. It is the perfect excuse to bring family and friends together. Drink delicious tea, eat delectable sandwiches and chat for hours on end. Introduced to England in the mid 19th Century, the pause for tea in the afternoon became […] Read more

10th Aug 2018

Coffee Can Make You Live Longer

Could Your Morning Coffee Prolong Your Life? Most of us rely on a cup of coffee to get us up in the morning. It starts our days and brings us energy when we need it most. But, what if coffee could actually help you live longer?  This is what scientists are now saying, and it’s […] Read more

30th Jul 2018

How to Conserve Water During a Heatwave

Are you Saving Water During This Endless Summer? With temperatures having risen to above 35C the past few days, Britain is experiencing a serious heatwave. High temperatures have brought about a serious water shortage within the UK, and as such it’s vital that people start looking at long-term ways to conserve water. Across the North-West […] Read more

23rd Nov 2017

Surprising Health Benefits of Tea

Tea is a beloved beverage steeped in tradition and taste, and offers more than just a soothing experience. Beyond its role in social rituals and morning routines, tea harbours a myriad of health benefits, making each cup a toast to wellness. Tea and Oral Health: A Natural Protector Among its many virtues, tea is a […] Read more