Billi Media

17th Jul 2018

What Would a CO2 Shortage Mean?

Does CO2 Have a Place in the Boardroom?

The news of the CO2 shortage was broken earlier last month. It has significantly affected the production of CO2 UK and has hit big businesses such as Booker, Heineken and Coca-Cola. And it doesn’t look to be improving into July. 

The shortage of CO2 is said to be the “worst supply situation to it the European carbon dioxide business in decades.” But what is causing this shortage? The shortage has been caused by the halting in the supply of CO2 by 3/5 plants in the UK, combined with the increase in demand over the summer months for our favourite carbonated products. 

What’s more interesting however is the way in which the shortage has been reported further highlights the growing demand for sparkling beverages. Everyone’s asking, what are we going to do without CO2? 

A Growing Market

The global sparkling water market is set to grow more than 3% between 2016-2020. This spike in growth is something that we are excited but unsurprised, to see. We’ve always believed in our products. According to Technavio, “sparkling water has garnered attention because it is thought to have numerous health benefits and has no artificial sugar content.”

sparkling water shortage

So why not make sparkling water part of your business meetings? We all know that feeling as employees post-lunch during the summertime. Its hot, and you’ve got one more meeting to make it through. You’ve been out for lunch which has left you feeling tired rather than energised. Sparkling water could be the answer to a morale boost for you and your business. 

Studies have shown that sparkling water may enhance digestion post-lunch to stop your employees from feeling lethargic. With the combination of cold temperature and carbonation strengthening these beneficial effects. Billi sparkling water taps have simple adjustable control knobs for perfectly chilled, refreshing drinks. Creating space for the active sharing of ideas all businesses thrive on. 

It is the future must have of the office for another vital reason. Experiential marketing is fast becoming a key driver in business approaches. Businesses are increasingly seeing the value that experiential marketing can have to drive sales, boost awareness of a brand and build a loyal customer base. Giving the client an innovative and memorable meeting is key. Billi sparkling water taps are a great, easy and cost-efficient alternative to still water during meetings. Adding a bit of fizz is a great way to ensuring the client’s interest doesn’t fizzle out. 

From more active employees to a more active experience with clients, our sparkling water taps have it covered. Don’t miss out! Contact a member of our sales team today.