Billi Media

10th Aug 2018

Coffee Can Make You Live Longer

Could Your Morning Coffee Prolong Your Life?

Most of us rely on a cup of coffee to get us up in the morning. It starts our days and brings us energy when we need it most. But, what if coffee could actually help you live longer? 

This is what scientists are now saying, and it’s great news for those of us who can’t go a day without a cup. Studies suggest that those who drink coffee, are likely to live longer than those who don’t. 

The study looked at half a million people in the UK over a 10 year period between 2006 and 2016. Those who drank one cup of coffee a day had an eight per cent lower risk of early death than those who drank none. So, good news for those of us who can’t survive without it – it might now be the reason you survive longer.

For those of us that drink more than one cup a day, we may even outlive the rest. Participants in the study that drank around 6-7 cups a day were around 16 per cent less likely to die earlier. However, we can’t become to imagine how wired or jittery those people were consuming over 6 cups of caffeine a day. 

According to the study, it doesn’t matter whether the coffee you drink is caffeinated or not, you’re still more likely to live longer if you drink it. 

Coffee and Health

Coffee has been scientifically proven to help protect cardiovascular health, meaning that it can help your heart stay healthy. Aside from that, and it’s energy-inducing properties, there is also a suggestion that coffee can help regulate blood sugar levels. 

So, how can coffee help extend your life? Coffee is full of naturally occurring antioxidants which are beneficial for health, and energy levels. It’s also scientifically proven to help lower the risk of diabetes type II and also Parkinson’s. So, if you want to keep your body full of antioxidants, simply sip on a cup of coffee, and watch the years roll by.