Billi Media

16th Jan 2018

Non-Alcoholic Drink Ideas for Dry January

Dry January Getting You Down? Here are Some Non-Alcoholic Drink Ideas

January is a month of many things. Low bank account balances, a bit of extra Christmas weight, and now Dry January. As if January wasn’t tough enough – some of us have now decided to give up alcohol for the month too. Are we crazy? Possibly. But nobody can deny the health benefits of cutting out alcohol for a whole month. Alcohol is a well-known depressant and it also dehydrates you, which can leave your skin looking old. Cutting it out can lead to better mental health, more youthful skin, and better sleep hygiene. Some types of alcohol also contain more calories than food, so if you’re looking to shift that Christmas weight, Dry January could be a great idea!

Cutting out alcohol altogether may seem like a challenge, but there are plenty of tasty alternatives. From tonics to cordials, there are plenty of non-alcoholic pick me ups that are reminiscent of your favourite tipple. However, these alternatives are all alcohol-free. No guilt!

Non-Alcoholic Ginger Beer – This fiery beverage is perfect for those who are a fan of rum. The spicy ginger taste is similar to that of spiced rum! Serve with a slice of lime and ice and you might not even miss the rum. (Hopefully.)

Seedlip Garden 108 – This hit the markets late last year and quickly caused a stir. It is the world’s first distilled non-alcoholic spirit and is perfect for gin lovers! The flavours include rosemary, thyme, spearmint and hops to name but a few. It’s pretty swanky and tastes great served with tonic. The perfect non-alcoholic tipple for Dry January when you’re looking for something different.

Cordial & Squash – If you’re a fan of sweeter alcohols such as cider, switching to squash or cordial should be easy. Whatever your taste preferences, there’ll be a flavour for you and your tastebuds so good that you won’t even miss alcohol. Our favourites are grapefruit cordial, as its bittersweet tang is revitalising – especially after a long day. For even more excitement and to re-create the fizz of your favourite alcoholic drinks, why not take some cordial into the office and use your Billi tap for instant sparkling water. Fizzy cordial is super refreshing and we bet you won’t even miss booze when you taste it!

Elderflower Presse – A sweet summery treat, elderflower presse is the perfect alternative for people who tend to drink white spirits. It is not sickly sweet, but instead refreshingly floral with a hint of citrus. After Dry January, we would recommend trying it with gin – but not until after! We don’t want to be responsible for you breaking your dry spell this early on in the month, but it is very tasty…

Cucumber & Mint Water – With flavours reminiscent of a mojito, this could hit the spot for anybody that loves cocktails. Non-alcoholic cocktails are easy to make – all you need is either sparkling or still water from your Billi tap, sliced cucumber, some mint leaves and if possible some crushed ice. Stir all together and leave to infuse then voila! A delicious non-alcoholic cocktail you can enjoy at your desk.

Green Tea – This firm favourite can have a little twist if you fancy it. Try green tea with sparkling water, honey and ginger. It’s like a superfood mocktail! Rather than dehydrating you like alcohol does, this amazing concoction is great for digestion, sleep, skin and hydration. Perfect for a bit of an alcohol-free cleanse.

We’d love to hear more about your experiences with Dry January. Let us know your favourite non-alcoholic beverage ideas below so we can try them in the office. To keep your workforce hydrated and happy this Dry January, make sure to choose Billi for chilled, sparkling or hot water in an instant.