Billi Media

18th Mar 2018

Everything You Need When You Move Into a New Office

Moving Into a New Office? Don’t Overlook These Things

Moving into a new office can be stressful. Besides the obvious moving of furniture and people, there’s still lots to consider. The process is time-consuming and can be laden with hidden disasters along the way. That’s if you don’t follow this list of things to remember for the move.

Pick the Right Space

Picking the right space for your new office can be time-consuming. Make sure you leave at least 3 months for this. Things you need to consider are:

Size. Is the office you’re looking at big enough?
Cost. Can you afford a bigger office?
Security. Is the office secure, or are there security guards?
Maintenance. Does the management take care of it, or you?
Management. Does the building have its own plumbers or electricians?
Redecoration. Are you allowed to redecorate?
Access. Is it 24/7, do you need around the clock access?
Parking. Is there parking for employees?
Transport. Are there good transport links nearby?
Disabled Access. Are there lifts or just stairs? Is the office disability friendly?
Kitchen. What is the office kitchen like? Does it need a fridge or appliances?
Water. Is there access to fresh drinking water?
Light. Is the building well lit, or are there windows?

When picking a space, it’s important to have a deadline. Otherwise, you could be waiting around for the “perfect” office to come up, when there’s plenty of good ones around. Looks are the least important aspect of a new office – as hopefully when you find the right space you can decorate yourself. Ensure that the kitchen is nice and clean with plenty of appliances. Choose a Billi system to be fitted to prevent queues for teas and coffees at break times. Also, ensure that the office itself is well lit. Water, light and a good kitchen will keep your employees happy and motivated.

Plan, Plan, Plan

First off, as mentioned above, it’s essential to have a time-frame. Create a timeline with all necessary stages of the move. You need to set dates as to when things should be completed by. Set the final move out date in advance, and ensure everything is cleared from the office by then. Moving the stuff will probably take a few days, so make sure that you know when the vans are coming, and what order things need to go in.

Assigning staff to certain roles throughout the move can be helpful. Arranging a “moving committee” help organise and plan the move can make the transition into the new space easier. Rather than having to go to the bosses with queries, employees with questions can ask the moving committee. This takes some of the pressure off those at the top.

Having a timeline for internal and external communications can make things run much smoother. An internal timeline for those working for you means employees know what is happening and when and can remain informed. An external communications timeline means any clients or suppliers are up to date with your activities throughout the move. This means business can hopefully run as usual.

Don’t be Afraid to Hire Help

If you have the budget, save yourself valuable time by hiring professional packers and movers. This will save your employees from having to pack difficult rooms, especially common spaces, such as the kitchen. Cleaning out desks and such should be undertaken by staff though. Before you move office, it’s good to go through belongings and see what actually needs to be kept, or what can be thrown away.

Aside from hiring help, don’t be afraid to ask your employees for help either. A moving committee could be beneficial, or simply assign somebody from each department or area to coordinate that space during the move. Each employee should take responsibility for their own belongings, but the assigned supervisor of their area should make sure the area has been fully cleared or packed.

Create An Office Layout

Six weeks before the move, you should visit your new office space and get the exact measurements. Alongside this, you need to assess where the electrical outlets are – are there enough? will you need extension leads? Storage space is another key feature to consider. If you’re moving to a bigger office, but the reception room is smaller, there’s a potential issue that all the furniture you had in the old reception won’t fit in the new one. This is all stuff to consider.

Make a general layout for your current space, and one for the new space. Compare the two, see which areas work currently, and which areas don’t. Identify the problem areas in your current space so you can avoid them in the new one.

Large open spaces in your office may be somewhere you want to consider cubicles or temporary walls. However, we recommend open plan working, as this is beneficial to employee productivity.

Inform Your Contacts

Everybody you do business with needs to know you’re moving. Suppliers that provide you with toilet roll, paper, stationary etc, need to be informed that you’re about to move office. Let them know the new address and the date you’re moving.

You also need to tell any clients that you’re moving. Any letters, post, newspapers etc need to be delivered to the correct new address, so ensure everybody knows it. Assign somebody to inform clients, suppliers and customers about the move. This requires specific communications with them about how the business will operate during the move, and if that will affect usual trading during that time.

It’s essential to tell customers about the move so that if usual service is altered, they don’t go elsewhere. If they are loyal customers they will stick with you through the move.

Install a Billi System

We might be a bit biased on this one. But, we definitely think it’s a new office essential. Having hot and cold water at the touch of a button means your staff will stay hydrated at work. Hydration is key for peak productivity and maximum work output.

Not only does hydration ensure better work, but a Billi system can also save you money. Every penny counts when you’re moving into a bigger space. Billi systems use less energy than traditional water systems and have a smaller carbon footprint. Less energy means less money.

Then there’s the time-saving aspect. Waiting for the kettle to boil takes up valuable time during your day. With a Billi tap, hot water at the perfect temperature for tea and coffee is available at the touch of a button. Perfect for reducing those wait lines for the water cooler or kettle.

We hope this has helped you consider things you need to move office. Here is another post that might help if you’re looking to move office space. For more information about installing a Billi system, get in touch today.