Billi Media

2nd Aug 2018

A Specifiers Guide to Sustainable Water Filtration Systems

Sustainable Water Filtration Systems

The world over, people are becoming increasingly environmentally aware. From schools to workplaces, and especially in the home, individuals are seeking solutions to issues such as water filtration that are sustainable and environmentally friendly.

Water filters are popular in the home and work because they filter out bacteria, chlorine and other unsavoury elements. However, here in the UK, we have some of the safest and cleanest tap water in the world, so they aren’t exactly necessary. For many, the appeal of water filtration systems is the way they can affect the taste of water, making it more palatable. If you live in a certain area, where limestone is present for example, your tap water will have a different taste to that of a hard water area and may taste ever so slightly more like sodium. Water filters help minimise these taste changes are provide uniform tasting water no matter where you live.

All homes and workplaces in Britain are fortunate enough to have access to clean, fresh running water. But, there are still those that are concerned about the risks of drinking tap water.

British Tap Water

Tap water in the UK is subjected to rigorous testing in order to be deemed safe for consumption. Fluoride, chlorine, bacteria and lead levels are all checked multiple times to make sure that the water is safe to drink. For some, chlorine is the main reason they choose not to drink tap water, as it can leave a slightly bitter taste. It’s added by water companies to kill bacteria, in order to make the water safe for drinking, but many people are wary of the added chemical. Fortunately, chlorine can be easily filtered out by a home water filter, or by your Billi tap, leaving your water with a fresh clean taste.

Opting for a home or work water filtration system is a wise move, not only to improve the taste of your water, and rid it of any undesirable chemicals or bacteria, but also for the environment. Choosing a sustainable water filtration system can mean you end up using far less plastic than those without a water system. This is because many individuals choose to drink bottled water – it is safe, tested and trusted. Tap water in some parts of the world is still not drinkable, so people opt for bottled water instead.

By installing a water filtration system such as Billi taps, you immediately reduce the need for people to buy bottled water. The water they have access to in the workplace is just as clean, clear and tasty as that they find in a bottle. Furthermore, it’s accessible in an instant. And, it’s not just cool, crisp still water they have access to. With a Billi tap, there is also the option to provide your workforce with sparkling water, further reducing the need for them to buy bottled water.

Can Billi Save You Money?

Financially, installing a Billi water system can be a wise decision. Tap water comes in at far less per litre than bottled water. It costs around 2p a day for everything needed to run a Billi tap providing only chilled water to an office of 1-20 people – water, electricity and CO2 emissions all considered. For bottled water,  you’re looking at around £6.48 a day, with far higher CO2 emissions and power usage too.

save water Billi

Owing to these financial and environmental benefits, water filtration systems have become an economical and sustainable solution for workplaces wishing to provide their staff with clean, fresh water.As highlighted by our Australian counterparts, “The main performance criteria for water filtration products are that they provide clean, fresh drinking water and have robust environmental credentials. However, the sheer quantity and variety of water filtration products on the market makes choosing a solution a complex question.”

At Billi, we streamline the specification process by outlining the key considerations that must be taken into account. By assessing your business’s needs and requirements personally, we can ensure that you choose the most sustainable, appropriate water filtration system for your business.

Market Leaders and Competitors

According to The Telegraph Newspaper, water units that supply boiling, filtered hot water are far more efficient than kettles, requiring 0.40-kilowatt hours (kWh) of energy to heat the same amount of water for which a kettle requires 0.42kWh to heat. This saving may seem marginal, but becomes significant when it is scaled up in offices and commercial spaces, where taps are subject to heavy use throughout the day.However, not all filtered water appliances are created equal. To keep water at the optimum temperature (either chilled or boiling), filtration devices store water in a thermally insulated tank beneath the sink unit. Proper insulation is crucial, with well-insulated tanks requiring less energy to keep water at the correct temperature.

As such, it is critical to select a water filtration device whose tank is properly insulated. Water filtration devices generate waste heat energy in the process of chilling water. In most cases, this heat is simply emitted by the device and goes to waste. However, advanced filtration devices now use heat exchange technology to recapture waste heat energy and redirect it to the device’s water boiling system.Technology is also evolving in other ways. Generally speaking, new models from popular, trustworthy brands incorporate innovative, highly efficient motors and standby modes that allow for heating and cooling functions to be paused when the filtration device is not in use.

Green Building Design

As environmental consciousness continues to grow, the popularity of Green Building design (GBd) is on the rise. GBd is a broad term that describes a sustainable approach to design with three key features:

• Seeking to significantly reduce or eliminate negative impacts on the environment and its occupants through design, construction, and operational practices
• Promotion of efficiency by streamlining construction and ongoing operational costs
• Encouragement of effective resource use and the creation of healthier environments for living and working

GBd has now become a major part of mainstream contemporary design, with many briefs across all sectors – including commercial and residential – striving toward meeting green building standards.

Instant boiling and chilled filtered water systems can help meet GBd objectives not only by offering the energy savings outlined above, but also by helping reduce waste and encouraging effective resource use. Filtered water systems encourage occupants to prepare their own hot beverages where they may otherwise purchase coffee or tea in a disposable cup, and prompt them to drink tap water instead of purchasing bottled water.It is also recommended that specifiers choose models with standby and timer modes, as these can significantly reduce the operational costs and energy usage of a water filtration device.
Many of the aspects of sustainable design that draw facilities managers to specific products or services can be found in Billi’s innovative products. Our penchant for energy saving, environmentally conscious design means we save people money and time across the world, all while lowering the usage of single-use plastic and reducing water usage and waste.If you’re interested in how Billi products could help your workplace transition into a sustainable GBd, please get in touch with our sales team.