Billi Media

4th Dec 2019

How a Filtered Water Tap Can Improve Workplace Hydration

Adding a filtered water tap into your workspace not only provides a convenient way to access fresh water, but it can also support workplace hydration. 

In the UK we don’t drink enough water. In an office environment, we blame busy schedules and simply not having enough time for our lack of hydration. 

Yet, hydration has a positive impact on mood, memory, concentration and physical health. We all know the effects we can feel from not drinking enough water. From headaches and migraines to feeling faint. 

In the workplace, hydration is becoming a vital issue for HR leaders. By law, employers have to provide adequate drinking facilities for their staff. However, many employees continue not to drink enough water, leading to higher rates in absence. 

If hydration has become an area you’re focussing on in your workspace, a filtered water tap can help. 


At Billi UK, our filtered water taps have been chosen for many workspaces due to the convenience they provide staff. 

As our Billi filtered water taps can fit into small spaces, taps can be added anywhere in the working environment. They don’t just have to sit within a canteen or food hall. Our Billi filtered water taps can be added into meeting rooms and open-plan workspaces. 

With the ability to fit into small cupboards, a Billi filtered water tap provides convenience for staff to keep drinking water. They don’t have to walk to the canteen to fill up their water bottle; they can fill up quickly and easily within their own workspace. 

With a filtered water tap, you can access high-quality hydration instantly. 


Many of us like to drink different types of water. Be that sparkling or still, infused or plain.

With a Billi filtered water tap, you can provide a hydration station that meets all of your team’s water needs. No matter an individual’s taste or water habits, you can give them something that will keep them going back for more. 

At Billi UK, we have filtered taps that offer still and sparkling, and you can even include instant hot water for those who enjoy a regular hot beverage. 

A filtered water tap that offers variety can also be a big win when entertaining clients or customers that visit your office. 

As they say – variety is the spice of life – and this is most definitely true when it comes to our filtered water taps. 


Many organisations are now including water hydration into their workplace wellbeing strategies

From water hydration training to initiating health and safety policies. This can be all well and good, but a filtered water tap puts your efforts into action. 

Nothing more says your serious about wellbeing than providing a filtered water tap that truly encourages hydration. 

You can avoid staff illness and absence with a strong hydration strategy in place. For many organisations, it’s about understanding what this looks like in the day-to-day running of work. Notice how and when your team are drinking more or less, and create a hydration strategy that works to the rhythm of the workplace. 

In order to increase hydration habits, you have to make it easy for staff to access water and provide water they’ll actually enjoy drinking.