Billi Media

26th Jul 2018

How to Achieve an NPS Score of 60

Is Achieving an NPS Score of 60 Nearly Impossible?

Achieving a Net Promoter Score of 60 or above means that your customers are highly likely to recommend your services. Those scores go to companies who go above and beyond for clients, dedicating a willingness to attend to their every need.

The score is calculated by detracting the number of people who would give a score lower than 6 (detractors) from those who would give a score above 9 (promoters). The score that is generated between -100 and 100 is the net promoter score. But, just how hard is it to get above 60+?

When customers come to give a score in a survey question that goes onto determine the NPS Score, they are scoring based on a few things. Primarily, the question gauges how likely they are to recommend the company. However, this also shows the clients satisfaction with the company, and also their loyalty to it.

net promoter score

“On a scale of 0 to 10, how likely are you to recommend this company’s product or service to a friend or a colleague?” Is the type of question that may be asked. How people answer, is how they end up being categorised.


(Scores 9-10) Promoters are loyal brand fans or clients who have had a positive experience with the company. They would also highly recommend it to a friend or colleague. These people are the ones who will positively refer the company, encouraging more people to use them, and sparking growth.


(Scores 7-8) Passives are those who have had a good, but not amazing experience with a company. They would not usually recommend onwards, as the experience has not blown them away. These people are often the area of person that can respond well to incentives, deals etc, to improve their experience. By improving their experience, they can often easily be transformed into a promoter the next time around.


(Scores 0-6) Detractors have had a negative experience with the company in question and therefore would not recommend it. These people can spread bad experiences and impact your company by leaving negative reviews.

High Net Promoter Scores suggest that a business is thriving, has happy customers, and is able to keep them loyal with good service. A low Net Promoter Score may suggest that a business is in trouble. If customers have poor experiences and wouldn’t recommend the company, a serious look at the customer service of that company is needed.

NPS Score

Generally, NPS Scores are overwhelmingly low. This may be because people are harder to impress, or that overall, their experiences are just mediocre. In 2003, Fred Reichheld, in his calculation of 400 companies across 28 industries found that the median Net Promoter score was just 16. By looking at that, achieving a score of 60+ is incredibly difficult, and needs to be constantly worked towards to be achieved.

The top-performing brands for NPS, specifically in the US are Tesla and Starbucks. With Tesla coming in at a whopping 96, and Starbucks at 72. With these big businesses even struggling to reach the top, you can understand why smaller businesses, with fewer resources and staff, may also struggle.

Here at Billi, we are incredibly committed to customer experience, which is why we are donating money to charity for all completed feedback forms. The Billi pledge is that every customer should receive the ‘Billi Experience’. This means that they come away from their interaction with us feeling happy, satisfied and loyal to our brand.



