Billi Media

27th Nov 2019

How Will Artificial Intelligence Change Our Workspace

Artificial intelligence will change our workspace as we know it. As innovators in the water filter industry, it’s essential that we keep our focus forward. The future will arrive, and in order to adapt and embrace change, you first of all need to understand it. 

In 1990 we launched the first under-counter filtered water system. At the time this technology was ground-breaking, it changed the industry. However, as any business knows, we also have to look at how our future filtered water systems will be needed by the modern workforce. What will the filtered water systems of 2090 look like? 

To be future-proof, one of the key areas we have to address is artificial intelligence (AI).

Machine learning, as it is often termed, has been the buzzword for 2019. Many large tech companies have revealed they’re working to create AI machines that have the potential to improve productivity, efficiency and accuracy across an organisation. Apple, Facebook, Microsoft, Tesla – and that’s without including some of the top 50 US start-ups all focussing on AI as a sole product or service. 

According to Gartner, 37% of organisations have already implemented an AI in some form. 

The future is arriving fast, and to keep up with the rate of change we’ve delved deep to look at how artificial intelligence will change our workspace. 

Faster Innovation

Artificial intelligence will bring more automation to the operations conducted within a business. 

Research by Forbes reveals that organisations are already adopting AI in marketing and sales operations. 40% of enterprises are adding machine learning into these departments. 

You may have begun to experience this, as chatbots online are becoming a regular occurrence. These bots carry out customer service conversations, but are all machines, not humans.  

However, surprisingly, people prefer this type of communication. 63% of people prefer to message a chatbot rather than talk with a human when communicating with a business. 

As a result of an increase in artificial intelligence processes, organisations will see a rise in productivity, meaning more revenue. 

Businesses who also enable machine learning can make more informed decisions. Artificial intelligence surpasses human ability to compile and understand data. Which means, more data-led decisions can be made earlier, therefore enabling a business to innovate new products and services quicker. 

According to research by Adobe, analysis of data is currently a key focus for businesses. 44% of executives believe artificial intelligence’s most vital benefit is providing data to make decisions. 

We could potentially see major disruptions in key sectors where products and services are brought to market much faster. In return, this could see the adoption rates of new technology rise as consumers are faced with products that are built from their data. 

A current example of the power of AI on buyer influence is Netflix’s recommendation system. This is something users are becoming accustomed to, as the AI system reviews the users watch list and generates recommended programs. 75% of the program’s users watch on Netflix come from these AI recommendations. 

Now imagine if everything you interacted with could learn your likes and your dislikes. Imagine if it could know just the way you like your tea, or how often you go for a glass of water. Perhaps in the future, we could see AI water filter systems providing you with a glass of water before you even realise you need it. 

New Job Roles 

While many people are optimistic about the impact of artificial intelligence, the area of job roles remains a concern. Robots stealing people’s jobs is how many people see the future of the workplace. 

According to PwC, job displacement will start at 3% when AI machines are adopted. This will rise to 30% as we reach 2030.

In 2013, researchers from Oxford University revealed the types of roles most at risk to computerisation. 

The job types affected differ dramatically. Data-processing roles will be handed over to machines, and it is also predicted that the transport industry will replace man with machine. Basic problem-solving and repetitive tasks will be the first to change. 

However, there is optimism that as artificial intelligence moves into the workplace, our roles will also shift. With many believing that more jobs will arise from the growing need for AI support.

AI will affect every sector and industry in some way, but this does not mean every job is at risk.

According to MMC Ventures, demand for AI talent has doubled in the last two years. Roles to manage and support the adoption of artificial intelligence are growing.

However, there are some roles that won’t be take over by a machine. After all, as humans there are areas of our work that automation is not good for.

Roles such as human resources and leadership will remain significant during AI adoption. Ultimately, jobs which require emotional intelligence and creativity will be safe in the immediate future. 

HR roles are set to increase by 9% by 2024, and roles around marketing are set to increase by 3.8%. 

When the industrial revolution boomed, many people thought that machines would take our jobs. However, the reality was far different. Machines increased productivity, but that raised demand, allowing companies to expand. In the end, it created more jobs. We could see the same culture shift when the Intelligence revolution grows.


Artificial intelligence will change the world, and with it, our workspace. 

Instead of focussing on the fear surrounding automation, as a business, you should embrace new technologies and the opportunities that it presents. 

AI systems can enhance many of the systems we use today and complement human intelligence, rather than be a threat to it.

A study by Gartner reveals that 80% of emerging technologies will have AI foundations by 2021.

At Bill UK, our development team are continuously researching new technologies to explore how we can further our filtered water taps. We set the standard in 1990, and we continue to innovate and keep pace with the changing consumer trends. We are always moving forward. 

When it comes to designing or creating your future workspace, keep in mind the evolution of artificial intelligence.