Billi Media

6th Feb 2019

Peppermint Tea: Digestion Aid or Health Myth?

Peppermint Tea Fan? Here’s Why it’s So Good For You

Plenty of herbal teas claim health benefits, but peppermint tea is truly one of the good ones. The herbal, mint-based tea has been around for thousands of years. Its refreshing taste and health benefits mean it’s certainly one you should try in the office if you haven’t already. And, with no need to add sugar or milk, it can be a healthier switch than English breakfast tea too.

Peppermint itself has several well known health benefits, alongside its cooling properties. When combined with white tea, which is renowned for being high in antioxidants, a drink fit for health-fanatics is made.

Helps Digestion & Eases Nausea

The primary benefit of peppermint tea is the way it eases digestion, and can even soothe upset stomachs. Digestive issues such as bloating, indigestion and trapped can all be relieved by peppermint tea. This is due to the way peppermint can help prevent stomach muscles from contracting – relieving spasms in the gut.

For those who suffer from IBS, a test was conducted, and those who were treated with peppermint, as opposed to a placebo reported significantly better symptoms. Up to 40% better in fact. So, if you’re somebody that regularly struggles with stomach upsets, try cut down on your dairy, and give peppermint tea a chance instead.

Additional research has been carried out investigating the effects of peppermint on nausea, specifically relating to those undergoing chemotherapy. However, the research did show that peppermint helped reduce the effects of nausea, therefore suggesting its effects would be effective settling any kind of nausea.

Relieves Headaches

Owing to the cooling properties of mint, there are studies suggesting it may also help relieve headaches. This is due to the fact that menthol – present in peppermint, helps to improve blood flow and offers a cooling sensation that can help relieve tension of the head.

For those who suffer with migraines, research has been undertaken investigating the use of peppermint oil on the temples. So, if you’re at work and feel a sore head or tension coming on, reach for a mug of peppermint tea. The fresh peppermint scent can help clear your head, and ultimately, help improve head pain!

Clears Sinuses

Getting a blocked nose or congested sinuses can really leave you feeling under the weather. However, peppermint tea can help! The wonder herb has anti-bacterial and anti-inflammatory properties. This means it can help you fight infection and help improve air flow through your potentially blocked nose.

Next time you’re feeling a bit clogged, try and inhale the minty steam from your peppermint tea and wait for it to take effect. You might need more than one mug to really feel the difference, but when it tastes as fresh as it does, it won’t be a problem!

Boosts Energy

Ever smelt something that perked you up? A fresh cup of coffee perhaps? Or, some minty fresh peppermint tea… Well, peppermint tea might actually help you combat daytime fatigue. The fresh scent can help boost your natural energy. If you can access peppermint oil, take a sniff of that and feel yourself perk up, or treat yourself to a mug of peppermint tea, and suddenly your afternoon workload will seem like a walk in the park.

Let us know how you get on introducing peppermint tea in your day to day routine.