Billi Media

9th Jul 2019

Tea Trend to Try in 2019

The tea trends of 2019 are ever more innovative and extravagant as our taste buds become more complex.

While coffee was once a connoisseurs game, tea is quickly catching up. 

No longer satisfied with a bland cup of milky English breakfast tea, we’re seeking fresh flavours. 

In the UK, we drink 165 million cups of tea on a daily basis. You could say, tea is the drink of the nation. 

Yet, this new trend of tea drinking is being led by health-conscious consumers. 

The biggest growth in tea drinkers is in the age ranges of 24-35-year-olds. They are moving away from sugary sweet beverages and even alcohol. 

Instead, modern tea drinkers are seeking a drink to be enjoyed with friends. 

Traditional tea drinkers see tea as a comforting beverage. New age tea drinkers see tea as a healthy choice.

If you’re considering swapping your morning coffee for a pot of tea, here are the tea trends of 2019 you should try. 


Turmeric is a native spice to Southeast Asia and has been used for medicinal purposes for thousands of years. 

In fact, at present India produces up to 78 percent of the global supply of Turmeric. 

The health benefits of Turmeric are vast, including boosting the immune system, reducing symptoms of pain, and preventing many common ailments. 

Which makes it no surprise that Turmeric has become a must-have among health-conscious individuals.

As tea is the most effective way to consume the Turmeric spice, it’s become a top tea trend.

Rum & Honey

We may not be drinking alcohol, but we still want the intense flavour alcohol provides. 

From unique blends such as Greenhills Rum & Honey to Fortnum and Mason’s Gin & Tonic tea. Alcohol-inspired tea blends are a trend that’s seeing us swap the club for the cafe. 

While you may not be won over, a study by Tetley revealed that consumers are becoming more daring with taste. 

In the Tetley tea survey 49 percent of participants have tried a new type of tea in the last 12 months. 

Visit any tea aisle in the supermarket, and you’ll find a growing range of exotic tea blends.  


It could be a fad or it could be the next drink you’ll be ordering. 

Kombucha is a fermented black tea that has been consumed for thousands of years. 

Originating in Japan, the tea is slightly alcoholic but boasts of probiotic benefits. 

As Kombucha can be served slightly fizzy, it’s a fun tea for those who want to remain healthy. 

Kombucha is created by fermenting sugared tea with specific strains of bacteria and yeast. 

The bacteria and yeast forms a mushroom-like film on the surface of the tea. This is why kombucha also has the name ‘mushroom tea’. 

Kombucha is now available in many mainstream supermarkets, despite previously only being available in specialist whole food stores.


According to Tetley’s 2019 survey, chai tea has risen in popularity by 93 percent in the UK. 

As one of the most appreciated tea blends currently available, chai tea has a wide range of health benefits. 

These include reducing blood sugar levels, aiding digestion, and boosting heart health. 

With its aromatic and spicy flavours, chai tea is a warming drink that originates from China. 

Combining fermented black tea leaves, cardamom, fresh ginger, ground cloves, cinnamon, and fennel. It is an experience for the senses. 

It’s predicted that coffee shops will outnumber pubs by the year 2020. With the emerging cafe culture in the UK we can definitely see these tea trends grow in strength.