Billi Media

13th Nov 2019

The Boiling Water Tap: An Office Kitchen Must Have

So you’ve invested heavily in kitting out your new office space, but have you included a boiling water tap? 

Inside the most ground-breaking office spaces across the UK, you can find a boiling water tap. It might not sound like the most obvious gadget for a new office space, but the old-fashioned kettle is being kicked to the curb. 

Modern office spaces no longer want to wait around for a kettle to boil. That’s not productive. 

And they certainly don’t want a clunky kettle ruining their uber-cool interior design. 

While the humble tap may not be your first go-to when considering an office renovation, it’s becoming a small touch that makes all the difference. 

At Billi UK, we’ve seen a growing demand for boiling water taps to be included in the office kitchen. We’ve placed our Billi hot water taps in the head offices of established brands. Including Gym Shark, and co-working space Hubhub. 

Despite providing instant water taps for well over a decade, we’ve seen a dramatic increase in organisations seeking boiling water taps. 

Without a doubt, we believe this rise has a lot to do with our more modern approach to workspaces. The evolution of the traditional workspace means many businesses are investing in their spaces to give employees maximum comfort. In turn, this supports employee well-being and generates creativity. 

Increasing Popularity of The Boiling Water Tap

Property presenter Kirstie Allsopp told The Times that she couldn’t live without her boiling water tap.

Victoria Beckham’s interior designer loves her boiling water tap. Rose Uniacke, has also told of how the boiling water tap in her central London office, “makes me happy every time I use it.” 

From celebrities and interior designers to architects and facilities managers – the boiling water tap is a firm kitchen favourite whether it’s for a home environment or a workspace. 

A survey by Houzz found that 24% of UK homeowners had a boiling water tap installed in 2017, or were planning to have one installed in 2018. 

With the adoption of boiling water taps increasing in the home, it’s no wonder they now also dominate our office spaces. 

A number of factors play a role in the increasing popularity of instant hot taps. 

UK food programs have demonstrated their ease of use. Popular shows such as Saturday Kitchen Live, and The Great British Bake Off, all use boiling water taps. 

There’s also the rise in our awareness of environmental sustainability. As both consumers and organisations are making big changes to reduce carbon footprint and eliminate single-use plastics. This drives the growth in instant boiling water taps as they are more energy-efficient than traditional kettles.

Bespoke Approach 

More organisations are creating workspaces that represent their brand. Just look at our case studies, and you can see how much each space differs depending on the company. 

As employees, we no longer want to work in spaces that all look the same. We want to feel that we are part of the organisation. Much of this comes through in the spaces and environments that we work in. 

The bespoke and personalised approach that is now trending in our workspaces has also created a surge in the popularity of instant boiling water taps. 

With the variety of designs and styles that are now available, you can choose a tap that fits seamlessly into the workplace. 

Forward-thinking brands also want additions to their space that represent the same values in innovation. At Billi UK, we’ve regularly been chosen by brands because we are forward-thinking and have a reputation for being industry leaders. 

The boiling water tap is not just a tap. It’s a choice to be innovative and sustainable. It ultimately goes beyond the necessity and represents values and an appreciation for design.