Billi Media

11th Dec 2019

Can A Billi Tap Change Your Plastic Footprint?

By choosing a Billi tap in your office, you can dramatically reduce the plastic footprint of your business. 

According to research by the Environmental Audit Committee, consumption of bottled water in the UK has doubled over the last 15 years. Furthermore, estimates reveal that we use 7 billion plastic water bottles each year in the UK. 

The fight against plastic pollution continues to remain high on the agenda for many organisations. In April 2018, a number of big brands signed the plastic pledge to begin to cut the manufacturing of single-use plastic. This includes the likes of Asda, Coca-Cola and Marks & Spencers. 

Plastic is fast becoming the number one criminal in environmental damage. Some of the latest findings on microplastics by scientists have reveal it’s not only impacting our plant but also our bodies. 

The first change to fight against plastic pollution is to reduce our use of single-use plastics. This can be supported in an office environment with a Billi tap. Let us explain how.

Accessible Refill Stations 

Unlike a traditional kettle or canteen tap, our Billi taps can be placed in small spaces anywhere in your office. 

If you have an office with multiple floors, you can place a Billi tap on every floor. You can even go as far as adding them into meeting rooms. For example, our Billi Quadra has very compact dimensions, allowing it to fit within a 500mm cabinet. 

With water accessibility at an all-time high, it is easier for your team to locate refill stations. Therefore, removing their need to purchase a bottle of water.  

When thinking about where to place your Billi tap consider the everyday routines of your team so taps can be placed in the most convenient areas. 

Encouraging Re-Use

Many offices have gone as far as completely banning plastic water bottles. While this can seem like an extreme, providing staff with a branded re-usable water bottle can encourage them to re-use. 

As investigated by The Guardian, single-use plastic water bottles are not designed to be used more than once. Regular use of a single-use plastic bottle has been found to impact our physical health. 

Billi taps can also reduce plastic footprint due to the variety of water types available. With chilled and sparkling, people can refill their bottles with water that suits their needs. 

Ditching Takeaway Hot Drinks 

According to research by the BBC, 99% of takeaway coffee cups cannot be recycled. 

Grabbing a hot drink before coming into the office is a habit many UK workers have become used to. But these plastic cups add to plastic pollution. 

Brands such as Costa and Starbucks have started recycling coffee cups, but they can only do this if customers give their cups back to the store. Due to the way they are manufactured, they have to be sent to specialist recycling units.

However, with a Billi tap, you can choose to have instant boiling water, which means you can make your coffee in the office. 

Rather than waiting for a kettle to boil, or to queue in the canteen, you just find a Billi tap. 

As it’s estimated that we drink 165 million cups of tea a day in Britain, this could go a long way in helping you reduce your plastic footprint.