Billi Media

Educational Information

18th Jun 2019

Sustainable Gastronomy Day June 2019

It’s Sustainable Gastronomy Day – What Does That Mean? Sustainable Gastronomy Day is a day facilitated by the UN member states recognising that gastronomy, ‘the practice or art of choosing, cooking, and eating good food’ connects with the three dimensions of sustainable development. Those being; people, planet and profit. Gastronomy is the relationship between food […] Read more

14th Jun 2019

Are Kettles Going out of Fashion?

Why Kettles are going out of style. In the workplace, there are 3 main factors for consideration when choosing systems of any kind. How will it affect Space, Energy and Time? The systems and products you choose for the workplace should be innovative and enable more effective, productive working. Is that then why kettles are […] Read more

13th Jun 2019

Office Design Trends Over the Years: How have they changed?

How Have Office Design Trends Changed? The way we work has changed drastically over the years. Reflecting – and often driving – this change is the transformation of the traditional working space – the office. Here, we look back at how office design trends have developed over the years and ask: what does the future […] Read more

12th Jun 2019

5 Important Things to Consider when Designing an Office Kitchen

Consider These 5 Things for Your Office Kitchen Design An office kitchen can make or break a workplace. A badly designed kitchen will invoke frustration and irritability, affecting mood and hampering productivity. A kitchen that is functional, comfortable and elegant, meanwhile, will elevate staff, encouraging relaxation and communication. To help you create the latter, we’ve […] Read more

11th Jun 2019

Herbal Teas: Unpacking the truth behind herbal blends

Do Herbal Teas Fulfil All Their Promises? If you use social media, you’ve probably seen an advert for skinny tea, or a detox tea or some kind. It’s hard to avoid herbal teas. They vary from invigorating morning blends to night time sleepy fusions, but how much science is behind these teas. And, more importantly, […] Read more

10th Jun 2019

Coffee Culture Around the World and How it Varies

Coffee Culture: How do different cultures affect drinking habits Everybody has their routines when it comes to coffee. Some people have to drink one first thing, others have a decaf after work simply for the flavour. But, are there certain routines people follow simply due to their culture or where they live? Coffee culture blends […] Read more

5th Jun 2019

How to Stay Hydrated on Holiday this Summer

Why You Need to Stay Hydrated on Holiday If you’re going on holiday this year, here’s why it’s important to stay hydrated. Hydration is essential for brain function, which in turn is responsible for movement, speech and thought. If you allow your body to become dehydrated, all of these functions can be affected. Without water, […] Read more

3rd Jun 2019

How Does Drinking Water Affect Productivity?

Hydration & Brain Function Everything we do begins with the brain. This brilliant organ necessitates our survival and orchestrates our movements, thought patterns and creations. So, looking after it could not be more important. A varied diet, exercise and good sleep are all essential for a healthy brain. However, one of the simplest ways to […] Read more

28th May 2019

The Most Popular Drinking Vessel for Coffee/Tea

A Cup Above? The Most Popular Hot Drinks Containers We’ve all got our own preferences when it comes to hot drinks. From builders tea to peppermint tea, gingerbread lattes to double espressos, the list of potential favourites is endless. But how much thought do you put into what you drink yours out of? Here we […] Read more

8th May 2019

Workplaces of the Future: What will offices look like?

Offices in the Near Future – What Can We Expect? When we think of the future, we probably think of flying cars, self-cleaning houses and the world as a tech-focused utopia. But, with the average person in the UK spending 8 hours a day at work, what do we think will happen to the workplaces […] Read more

14th Apr 2019

What are the Most Popular Accompaniments to Drinking Water?

Everybody has a preference when it comes to water. Some people prefer sparkling to still, and some won’t drink still water at all unless it has squash in. But, what are the most popular accompaniments to drinking water? Let us know your favourite in the comments below! Squash Squash is a standard accompaniment to still […] Read more

31st Mar 2019

Why Rehydrating Effectively After Exercise is Essential

Hydration & Exercise: How to Rehydrate After Your Workout Most of us don’t need reminding to drink water after working out. Exercise is thirsty work, after all. As such, reaching for a drink after a sweaty run or gym session is instinctive. But the best way to rehydrate may not be so obvious. Here we […] Read more

28th Mar 2019

Tea Vs. Coffee – Which is Most Popular?

In the UK, the affection for tea is legendary – with an estimated 100 million cups enjoyed daily (UK Tea & Infusions Association). The classic ‘milk, no sugar’ preference dominates, but variations abound, reflecting the diverse palates of tea aficionados. From the essential breakfast tea to the soothing green tea, British tea culture is as […] Read more

22nd Mar 2019

Alternative Ways of Increasing Productivity in the Workplace

Could Incentives Help You Increase Productivity at Work? Everybody wants a workforce that’s motivated and highly productive. But, how can you keep productivity at an all-time high, while also ensuring fulfilled and content employees? Well, let’s have a think about incentives. Workplace incentives can either be monetary or reward based; encouraging staff to work hard […] Read more

21st Mar 2019

How to Make Your Office Kitchen More Green

Make Your Office Kitchen Greener & More Sustainable We’ve spoken a lot about biophilic workspaces, and how greenery in the workplace can positively impact productivity and motivation. It seems only right that this leafy green trend carries through to the office kitchen. It’s a space for employees to rest, recuperate, and refresh during their days […] Read more

12th Mar 2019

Carbonated Water: Is It Better to Have a High Volume of Carbonation?

What is Carbonation? Great carbonation is the key to great sparkling beverages. The tingly, tiny bubbles add to the experience of flavour and feel in your mouth, but how are they created? Maximum carbonation is made possible by the technology used to create the teeny bubbles. Carbonation occurs when carbon dioxide or CO2, is absorbed […] Read more

1st Mar 2019

Want to Cut Back on Caffeine? Switch to Decaf

Thinking of Making the Switch to Decaf? Decaf options offer a great way to still enjoy some drinks without the added side effects. For a lot of people caffeine drinks, such as coffee, can lead to migraines, jitteriness and mid-afternoon slumps. Regular coffee or caffeinated drinks cause your body to produce adrenaline which can leave […] Read more

25th Feb 2019

Sparkling Vs. Still Water – Who Will Win?

Sparkling Water – is it better than plain old tap water? Carbonated water is water that has been infused with carbon dioxide gas under pressure. This produces a bubbly drink that’s also known as sparkling water. Filtered sparkling water systems are a great, natural, healthier substitute to drinking tap water. Billi systems can provide sparkling […] Read more

15th Feb 2019

What Are Cold-Infusion Teas? Will You Try Them?

Cold-Infusion Teas, Have You Heard of Them? A cup of healthy, herbal tea, any time of the day can be a guilt free treat that does wonders for our gloomy, winter moods and nutrition. But have you ever heard of cold-infusion tea bags? These new cold infuse teabags come in many different flavours including blueberry, […] Read more

12th Feb 2019

Green Tea: Is it As Healthy As We Think?

Green Tea – Can It Be Made Even Healthier? A recent study has suggested that filtered water boosts green tea’s antioxidant powers. However, it also revealed green tea tastes better using filtered water. So, which is better for you? Everybody knows that green tea is a superfood. It is full of antioxidants that are beneficial […] Read more