Billi Media

Educational Information

5th Sep 2017

Is There a Perfect Temperature for Coffee & Tea?

There are few things worse than a cup of tea or coffee in the morning that’s too hot or that’s gotten cold. When you’ve been thinking about your first mug all morning, having to wait 10 minutes or zap it in the microwave before you can drink it is no way to start the day. […] Read more

31st Aug 2017

Why You Really Shouldn’t Refill Your Plastic Water Bottle

It’s Time to Chuck Your Plastic Water Bottle Away It’s something that we all do. Grab an empty disposable plastic water bottle, fill it up, and think nothing of it. However, research is suggesting this isn’t good for you, and it’s even worse for the environment. The bottles that drinking water is sold in are […] Read more

30th Aug 2017

Watching Your Weight? Check Out the Calorie Content of Your Favourite Drinks

The Calorie Content of Your Favourite Drinks May Surprise You Whether you’re trying to lose weight, or simply be more healthy, you can’t avoid paying attention to calories. Most people carefully watch their calorie intake with food, but forget to watch their calorie intake from drinks. This is essential though because calories in drinks can […] Read more

25th Aug 2017

What Happens to Your Body When You Get Dehydrated?

Do You Know the Effects of Dehydration on the Body? We all know it’s important to drink water. But, do we know why? From an early age, we are encouraged to drink water and stay hydrated. Human bodies are made of up to 75% water, meaning it is essential to replenish the fluids we lose […] Read more

21st Aug 2017

What Are the Actual Effects of Caffeine on the Brain?

Effects of Caffeine on Your Brain – What Does it Actually Do? Coffee is seen as liquid gold in some parts of the world. It is high-performance brain fuel that most of the western world relies on to get through the day. The active ingredient in coffee that makes it so valuable? Caffeine. 80% of […] Read more

17th Aug 2017

Trends for Modern Office Design in 2017

Office Design Trends for Your Workplace Most of us spend eight hours a day or more at work. As such, it’s essential that workplaces are motivational and inspiring. Alongside the people we work with, a source of motivation that is sometimes overlooked is the workplace itself. Innovative and design led offices are becoming more and […] Read more

11th Aug 2017

Do You Know What You’re Drinking?

What’s Actually in Your Drinking Water? Every day, people drink water from taps. Both at home, and in the office. But what is actually in your drinking water? The UK has some of the safest and best drinking water in the world. But, this does not mean it is completely pure. However, this is not necessarily […] Read more

8th Aug 2017

10 Surprising Uses for Sparkling Water

Sparkling Water Uses You May Not Have Thought Of Sparkling water is a great thirst quencher. On a hot summer’s day, the bubbles really hit the spot. Mix with cordial and it’s refreshing, zesty and always a hit. However, there are plenty of other uses for it too. Carbonated water may seem fairly inconspicuous, but […] Read more

31st Jul 2017

4 Ways Your Morning Coffee Can Do Good

How Your Morning Coffee Can Help the Earth and Others Drinking coffee every day is a standard action for most people. But have you ever thought past the cup in front of you? Even an action as small as drinking a cup of coffee can affect others. For example, do you choose a local coffee […] Read more

24th Jul 2017

Is Your Workplace Energy Efficient?

How to Cut Costs and Be Energy Efficient in the Workplace It seems hard for businesses to be energy efficient. Between large workforces and little knowledge on how to reduce energy use, energy costs can be high. However, cutting your energy costs can be easy. With a few simple switches in the workplace, energy saving […] Read more

5th Jul 2017

Instant Breakfast Ideas – Perfect for the Workplace

Breaking Your Fast with Billi UK So many of us miss the most important meal of the day. The average person sleeps for 6-9 hours each night. This is 6-9 hours without food or sustenance! Breaking your overnight fast with a proper meal is essential. Breakfast is named such as it literally means breaking the […] Read more

4th Jul 2017

Types of Tea – Heat Up Your Drinking Habits

Which Tea Do You Go For During the Work Day? You may have heard us banging on about hydration. Specifically about hydration in the workplace. That’s because drinking water is essential for brain function. In order to work to the best of your ability, you need to be energised and hydrated. Sometimes though, drinking 8 […] Read more

26th Jun 2017

Wellness in the Workplace – How to Stay Hydrated

Boost Your Brain Power by Staying Hydrated at Work Water is brain fuel. We all need it, as our bodies are made up of around 60% of it! Unfortunately, though, it can be easy to get dehydrated at work. Between concentrating on your work, meetings and emails, drinking water can be the last thing on […] Read more

22nd Jun 2017

Reduce Your CO2 Emissions With A Billi Water System

Cut Your Carbon Footprint With A Billi Tap At Billi, our aim is to produce energy efficient water systems. As a company, we intend to reduce contributions to greenhouse gas from the corporate sector, by reducing CO2 emissions through our innovative designs. The environment is one of the main focuses of Billi designers. Traditional office […] Read more

17th May 2017

Billi – The Wellness Water Partner

A unique work, wellbeing and office tech exhibition, Work 2.0 is an opportunity for business leaders to meet, attend exhibitions and attend a world-class conference. The event hosts two parallel events, the “wellness at work” conference and the “future of work” conference. A plethora of topics will be discussed in these innovative and forward-thinking conferences, […] Read more

3rd May 2017

5 Reasons To Drink Hot Lemon Water In The Morning

Oval in shape, with a pronounced bulge on one end, lemons are one of the most versatile fruits around, and contain a high level of Vitamin C. Lemons are considered as blood purifiers. Lemon is a fabulous antiseptic and it also works wonders for people having heart problems. So, make it a part of your […] Read more

21st Apr 2017

Health Benefits of Green Tea. Is It a Super Food?

Health Benefits of Green Tea. Is It a Super Food? Green tea has been around for centuries and was first noted in China around 600AD by author Lu Yu, where the tea is said to have been brewed for medicinal purposes. It is widely promoted as one of the healthiest drinks on the planet, but […] Read more

31st Mar 2017

Vendex – 4th April 2017 – Birmingham – Billi UK – Invitation

Established in 2003, Vendex is the premier event for the UK vending industry, attracting serious buyers eager or keen to see the latest innovations on offer from manufacturers, importers, distributors and wholesalers of machines, products, ingredients, equipment and services. We are exhibiting at Vendex at Stand 50 – meet us there! Read more

31st Dec 2016

Your Year in Review

2016 certainly has been eventful. We’ve put together this little quiz to help you reflect on the past year and get prepared for 2017. If you had to describe your 2016 in 3 words, what would they be? What new things did you discover about yourself? What single achievement are you most proud of? What […] Read more

22nd Dec 2016

Spiced Cranberry Warmer

With dipping winter temperatures and Jack Frost nipping at your nose, we decided to treat you to our favourite winter warmer recipe. This toasty concoction takes just five minutes to brew, but will keep you warm for hours. Recipe : Cranberry juice 1 medium sized orange, sliced 1 teaspoon of ground star anise 1 cinnamon stick […] Read more