Billi Media

Educational Information

16th Mar 2018

Your Water Consumption and the Water You Eat

Do You Know How Much Water You Consume? Your water consumption is quite simply the volume of water you use. For individuals, this is measured in litres. This measurement becomes your individual water footprint. However, water footprints can also be used for entire nations. They act as estimates of direct and indirect water use by […] Read more

5th Mar 2018

Reasons Your Coffee Might Taste Bad

5 Reasons Why Your Coffee May Taste Bad A bad cup of coffee can really ruin your day. Bitter, burnt coffee is something that nobody wants. If you’re one of those people whose day doesn’t start until they’ve had a mug, starting with a bad one is the last thing you want. The art of […] Read more

24th Feb 2018

Why You Need a Boiling Tap in Your Kitchen

Boiling Taps: Are They Really Worth It? Convenience is what most people are looking for in their daily lives. We desire speed, efficiency, and practicality. It’s really no surprise then that the boiling tap is becoming so popular. Boiling water at the touch of a button cuts out time waiting for the kettle to boil […] Read more

1st Feb 2018

Teas That Can Help Boost Your Metabolism

Did you Know Tea Could Help You Stay Slim? The summer has come to an end. Now might be a good time to ask – did you manage to keep up all your New Years resolutions? If you’ve stuck with them this far, we’re impressed! However, if eating healthy, or staying fit was on your […] Read more

29th Jan 2018

Is Drinking Filtered Water Actually Better For You?

Filtered Water Done The Billi Way Billi’s partnership with Pentair means we are able to create the most technologically advanced filtration for boiling and chilled filtered water systems. The filters we use in our Billi products use Fibredyne™ technology, which is fibrous and matted together, thus increasing the surface area of the carbon. This means […] Read more

22nd Jan 2018

Keep and Eye Out for These Office Design Trends in 2018

Office Design Trends to Look Out for in 2018 A new year means a new opportunity for change. That includes your office design and functionality. If you’ve felt in the past year that your workspace doesn’t quite feel how you want it to, or that it doesn’t operate in an effective way, then why not take […] Read more

18th Jan 2018

Plastic Waste in Great Britain: We Need Action

The Long-Term Plastic Waste Plan and How You Can Help As plastic waste in Great Britain continues to mount, and landfills continue to fill up almost quicker than we can dig them, it is time to re-assess our plastic waste plan. Theresa May has called plastic waste “the environmental scourge of our time” and as […] Read more

16th Jan 2018

Non-Alcoholic Drink Ideas for Dry January

Dry January Getting You Down? Here are Some Non-Alcoholic Drink Ideas January is a month of many things. Low bank account balances, a bit of extra Christmas weight, and now Dry January. As if January wasn’t tough enough – some of us have now decided to give up alcohol for the month too. Are we […] Read more

7th Jan 2018

Facilities Managers – Here’s an Essential Checklist for Your Building

Are You a Facilities Manager? This is the Checklist for You If you’re a facilities manager, you understand how important it is to stay aware of the ever-changing needs of your building and the people in it. Whether it’s maintenance tasks or contributing to worker happiness, there is a huge range of tasks to stay […] Read more

3rd Jan 2018

Can’t Quit Coffee? Here’s Some Hot Drink Alternatives to Help You Cut Down

Quit Coffee by Switching to These Hot Drinks Instead Speak to a handful of people about their New Years resolutions and we bet you’ll hear this one from nearly half of them. “I want to cut down on coffee” or, “I need to drink less caffeine”. Unfortunately, as much as we love drinking coffee, too […] Read more

8th Dec 2017

Why the Office Kitchen is One of the Most Important Spaces in Your Workplace

Your Office Kitchen is the Key to Happy Employees When you’re considering the most important places in your workspace, you’d probably assume it would be the meeting rooms. Perhaps the staff’s desks where they do their work each day? It’s unlikely you would think about the kitchen. However, research shows that offices and workspaces with […] Read more

6th Dec 2017

Water Bottles: What Type of Bottle is Best for You?

Which Type of Water Bottles Would Work Best for You? Staying hydrated is essential to brain function. Without water, concentration and motivation are nearly impossible. This is why it’s so important to drink up to 8 glasses of water a day. If you keep your body hydrated and happy, your mind will be more alert, […] Read more

16th Nov 2017

How to Stay Hydrated Without Drinking Water

5 Ways to Stay Hydrated Without Water If you struggle to gulp down 8 glasses of water a day, we might have the answer. Or rather, 5 of them! It’s easy to forget to drink water sometimes, and as a result, it can be hard to stay hydrated. Make a mental note of this list, […] Read more

13th Nov 2017

Here Are the 3 Proper Ways to Brew Tea – Give It a Go!

Think You Know How to Brew Tea? Think Again. Everybody likes tea in different ways. Whether you have sugar or sweetener, soya or dairy, there are little things that make your cup just the way you like it. Everybody has their own way of making it, even down to the way it is brewed. From […] Read more

9th Nov 2017

Best Milk Alternatives for Coffee or Tea

At Billi UK, we understand that the first sip of coffee or tea in the morning is often what sets the tone for the entire day. Our instant boiling water units help you start your mornings with great-tasting filtered boiling water straight from the tap, but what you add to your tea and coffee can […] Read more

27th Oct 2017

When You Drink Tea, How Does It Affect Your Brain?

What Happens to Your Brain When You Drink Tea? Normally, people focus on the effects of coffee on the brain rather than tea. However, they seem to forget that tea has its own antioxidant properties! Containing caffeine, which stimulates the brain as well as amino acids which can help reduce anxiety, tea’s effect on the […] Read more

10th Oct 2017

Loose Leaf vs. Pre-Packaged Tea Bags. A Compromise in Quality?

Is Loose Leaf Tea Better Than Tea Bags? All tea fanatics have their own way they like their tea. Some like sugar, some like sweetener. Some like whole milk, and some like soya. There really is no right or wrong when it comes to tea, it’s all personal preference. However, the way tea is served is […] Read more

4th Oct 2017

The Life of a Plastic Water Bottle After Drinking

Where Does Your Plastic Water Bottle Go After Drinking? Plastic water bottles are a serious problem. With plastic almost never bio-degrading, millions of tonnes of plastic are clogging up landfills and oceans. The USA alone accounts for around 5.35 billion pounds of polyethylene terephthalate (PET) plastic a year. Less than a third of that is […] Read more

25th Sep 2017

5 Popular Hot Beverages from Around the World

Hot Beverages for Cold Weather From Around the Globe As summer ends and the chilly mornings start, we’re all clutching our coffees a little tighter in the morning. For warmth, energy and little pick me up, hot beverages are often the cure. Whether you’re a tea or coffee lover, a warm mug when it’s cold […] Read more

21st Sep 2017

Matcha Tea: Genuine Health Food or Hoax?

Is Matcha Tea a Miracle Food or a Fad? A cancer fighting, fat burning tea. It’s easy to see why there is so much hype surrounding Matcha tea. Favoured by health bloggers, doctors and even coffee lovers, here’s everything you need to know about the super green, super good beverage. The name Matcha derives from, […] Read more