Billi Media

23rd Oct 2019

The Benefits of Hot Water Taps in Co-Working Spaces

When you think of hot water taps, you may think of your home, but this technology is being utilised in co-working spaces and workplaces across the UK. 

After all, we all want a hot coffee or a cup of tea when we hit the office first thing in the morning. So why wouldn’t we swap the kettle for a tap that can give us our morning fix in an instant? 

At Billi, we’ve been working with businesses and organisations to improve their workspaces. From the Head Office of Gymshark to Bloomberg’s new London office.   

From our work with innovative brands, we’ve seen a rise in businesses wanting to provide the latest in office technology to make people happier and healthier at work. 

Our Billi instant hot water taps have been a popular choice for those who want to ditch the outdated kettle. This includes organisations running co-working spaces. 

In the UK alone there are now more than 300 co-working spaces. According to a 2018 survey, the average co-working space in the UK has 110 desks and 120 members. 

Co-working is a growing phenomenon. In fact, 33% of today’s current workforce are freelance professionals working in a co-working environment. This number is set to rise to 40% by 2020. 

Establishing a co-working environment that provides people with luxury amenities is now becoming a given. It’s simply expected that if you hire a desk or an office in a co-working space, you’ll have the very best kitchen facilities and modern space. 

With the demand high for co-working spaces, and the competition increasing, it’s no surprise that our Billi instant taps are being added into canteens and kitchens across the UK. 

No Waiting 

Occupancy is high in many co-working spaces. It’s not just in London or large cities these spaces are dominating. Smaller towns are also investing heavily in co-working hubs and seeing high demand. 

With occupants working in various sectors and bringing in clients for meetings, it’s no surprise that the last thing they’ll want to do is a queue to use a kettle. 

By placing the Billi hot water taps in key spaces, tenants can make drinks for themselves and guests instantly. No waiting for the water to boil, and no queueing to get a hot drink. 

Design & Style

With co-working still on the rise, more organisations are investing heavily in building smart offices that provide tenants with flexibility, convenience and an atmosphere. It’s not just an ‘office’; many are establishing an environment or community.

During 2019, it’s estimated that worldwide, 2,188 more co-working spaces will become available. Therefore, to capture tenants means spaces have to be of high-quality. 

Organisations such as WeWork, have already invested in the interior design of their spaces, and others are following. 

The style and design of a space is just as important as internet connectivity.

Here at Billi, we’ve always been design-conscious, which is why our instant hot water taps is often a choice. 

With an array of style options, Billi hot water taps can seamlessly fit in with the interior design of workspaces.

Energy Efficiency 

As a global population, we are all becoming aware of our environmental footprint. Which means more co-working spaces emerging want to make their offices as sustainable and environmentally friendly as possible. 

When you’re servicing future businesses and start-ups, it makes business sense to create co-working spaces that are sustainable. 

Alongside green initiatives, co-working offices are building smart spaces that put energy efficiency at the forefront of their design. 

At Billi, we take great pride in the fact our hot water taps are popular due to their energy efficiency. Only last year, our taps were selected by Bloomberg for their London offices, which became the UK’s best new building. 

For a co-working space, there are many clear benefits to adopting instant hot water taps. Providing a fitting amenity that sits seamlessly into the interior design while giving tenants the latest hot water technology.