Billi Media

3rd Nov 2016

When the care for environment is everything.

Company Overview

SITA UK is a recycling and resource management company. It was established in 1988 and currently employs more than 5,500 people. They have a proud history of delivering environmentally responsible and innovative waste solutions. SITA work with businesses and local authorities to reduce the impact of their waste on the environment. Their vision is to live in a society where there is no more waste, a society where waste materials are reused, recycled or recovered for their energy content.

At Billi, we care about the environment and therefore, every new Billi product is designed to meet ecologically sustainable development guidelines with the aim to make all parts recyclable.


SITA UK, with their vision in mind, discussed the requirements with Unispace, the commercial interior design company. It made complete economic and environmental sense to select the Billi Quadra 460 XL and drainage font. The key feature was the way the Quadra range harvests and re-uses waste heat to provide market–leading energy efficiency.


SITA UK has also taken our Gold Plan, a comprehensive planned maintenance and filter replacement plan which covers all servicing, labour and parts inclusive, to an agreed schedule.

Billi aims to provide pure and clean drinking water without costly environmental impact, making sure our technology does allow companies to make responsible choices.